Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nick Hawk
Mrs. Shukairy
October 27, 2013
In favor of the Death Penalty
            Is the death penalty right? Politicians, lobbyists, philosophers and experts from all walks of life continuously debate this controversial subject. Has anyone of these people listened to the rest of us? The United States is a democracy of embodied officials, who represent the people, their wishes, beliefs and ideals. That means, through elections we decide what policies are to be enacted. In the case of capital punishment, people that kill should be killed.  
            Various polls report that 20% of Americans are in favor of the death sentence. That is a majority, so why don’t we have it? Grievances and speak freely according to our constitution. The fact of the matter is seven out of ten Americans have evaluated the dilemma of capital punishment according to their own values and beliefs. Their conclusion was favorable the death penalty. 
            At this desperate time, the question of the death penalty being was just answered by the majority, and the majority of rules. Many experts who speak against the death penalty cite it as barbaric. The definition of murder, according to Webster’s dictionary is “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.” Therefore, an uneducated person would classify murder as equally barbaric. The major factor of the death penalty is, or should be, an already established punishment for its crime. The killer willingly committed the bad act of taking a life, knowing they would be subject to this penalty.
            Therefore, the killer decided to gamble on not being caught, or thought that he/she was above the law. In either case he willingly forfeited their life with taking another, but killer may not agree with this. The consequences of his/her action were obvious. While critics argue that an innocent person may be put to death, most agree this may unfortunately happen. However, we must protect the people of this country from killers.
            We have tried all other options. Capital statues usually allow the trial court to impose death only after a post conviction hearing during which circumstances of the crime are reviewed. I think that the death penalty is a good Idea because when someone gets killed for no reason at all the person who killed the person should be sentenced for death. Some people may not agree with my opinion but others may agree. Death penalty is a good thing because the killer should be killed for killing; they aren’t following the Ten Commandments.

Do you own a gun at home?

Donia Alkaraki
Mrs. Shukairy
Honors Writing
October 27, 2013                            Do you own a gun at home?
                A lot of people may believe that they feel the need to be safe once they are in their household. They should know that they have the option to help and defend themselves and their families or loved ones when needed to. Some people believe that we shouldn’t be allowed to own a concealed weapon because of the risks at hand. Is it really that harmful? Some people would say “you should have a firearm for defense of everything you hold dear.” Having a gun or weapon of defense is a sense of safety to all the members of the household. It should be legal to carry a concealed weapon for self-defense because the world is not very safe because crime could happen to any person (famous or not) at any time (day or night), having a concealed weapon to defend yourself will give you a sense of safety.
                What happens in a person’s life is completely unexpected. Something could happen to a loved one and they may have never seen it coming.  In 2010the U.S the percentage of people who had a concealed weapon in their household was 40-45%. The percentage of adults that had a gun was 30-34%.  Nothing in the world is really guaranteed or predictable. You obviously cannot get a concealed weapon if you do not have the correct license for it. Firearms are generally classified into three broad types: handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year. The right to carry concealed handguns is guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. In the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment to the Constitution reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” Having a permit to carry a handgun at all times means protection for yourself and loved ones everywhere you go.

                Knowing that you have something to keep you safe in desperate times is really comforting. I remember one of my friend’sdad had a concealed weapon (with license of course) in the house. The mother of my friend was frightened at the weapon of defense in her household and immediately took a stand to her husband to get rid of it. She knew that it wasn’t safe for her daughter or her siblings to be around. The husband obeyed the orders told by his wife. An unexpected moment happened and their house was broken into. At the time they didn’t really have the best security system the house could offer. Once the burglars entered the house it was all complete chaos. The family of 5 was frightened because in the back of their minds they knew that they didn’t have a weapon of defense.  The burglars had their own weapon and they were ready to commit a crime. My friend soon was a witness of her father’s death. Even if an adult never needs to draw a concealed handgun for self-defense, a person may feel safer being armed and feel freer to go outside at night or in dangerous areas.Now imagine watching the face of a child that was forced to see the death of her father and knowing that they can do nothing about it. Imagine losing your children and thinking if I had a gun I would be able to threaten them enough so they don’t harm anybody in the home.
                Others may believe that having a weapon of defense isn’t necessary. Some believe that it’s a risk to have in the household when there are children around this position is weak because don’t always let them know about the weapon in the house and put it somewhere where they  won’t be able to see it or even reach it. If some people want to tell them then they can and just keep it out of reach. Some people also believe that if the burglar or robber knows about the weapon then they will use it against you this position is also weak because keep it hidden in a safe and don’t keep it outside in the open where everyone who enters the house knows about it. Criminals are most likely less to attack if they know of the armed weapon in the home.
                Criminals carry concealed weapons regardless of their legality. Responsible citizens should have the same advantages when it comes to protecting themselves from armed attackers.This is a topic many people thought differentiate between. There are many pros and cons of carry a concealed weapon in or outside the house.   When we live in a world where everything and anything could happen it really does help to be happy knowing that you have something to defend yourself with in almost any situation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

sarah abuosba

Who want one less thing to worry about? A fact a lot of people do not know is that cyberbullying is not illegal in all fifty states. However, cyber bullying is wrong and people should not be bullied over the internet. No one should want to get bullied and no one should feel the need to bully people over the internet. For every state, there should be a law forbidding cyber bullying.
To begin with, cyber bullying should not be tolerable because forty three percent of teenagers are being cyber bullied. One in four of them have had it happened to them more than once. Seventy percent of students report seeing frequent cyber bullying. Two to nine of people are more likely to commit suicide because of cyber bullying. However, only one in ten people will inform a parent or guardian about their harassment over the internet. That is truly sad, that some people can not express themselves on the internet, without someone else bullying them.

To continue on, people should think of the victims' family and what they are going through. Imagine what it would be like to have your family member feel bad just by going on the internet and having fun. This probably is not the world people want to live in. It should not be okay for people to bully some one else. For someone to hate themselves, possibly commit suicide, and then for the bully to get away with it. People should stop the bullies before it is too late. There should be a law forbidding cyber bullying, so that people will not be able to get away with it.
Furthermore, some believe that cyber bullying is okay because it is over the internet and it is not hurtful or a form of harassment. Although, this position is weak because bullying over the internet is the same as bullying in person. It is still a way someone brings down another person. The position is also weak because there are no facts to prove that cyber bullying is not hurtful. Cyber bullying is one of the worst types of bullying and so many people are affected by it. It should be illegal to stop people from cyber bullying
All in all, Cyber bullying should not be tolerated, no matter what state you live in. Teenagers should not have the need to be close minded because a bully brought them down through the internet. The internet should not be a constant worry about what people are going to say about them but a constant rush of joy about expressing themselves. Cyber bullying should not be okay, no matter where in the United States you live.

Ms. Shukairy

    Alcohol should be illegal because there are many cons toalcohol effects. Alcohol kills many people because for example drunk drivers that get in car accidents because they’re not controlling their driving. It kills innocent people. It affects the brain and causes death. When people have a party they should drink a little. If they drink to much they could throw up. Alcohol should be illegal because it has harmful effects on society.

Likewise alcohol should be illegal. The eighteenth adamant said alcohol is illegal but they change it. It changed because everyone still kept drinking it. The people who drink alcohol start craving alcohol. A lot of people get killed from over drinking. For example it makes your brain slower down and kills brain cells.  Teen age kids get under pressure and they do it to be cool. But it’s very dangerous for them because there so young for alcohol. At college they have some parties’ that have drinking and most of them are under age. When people drink their aware they will probably get drunk they start driving crazy and crash. When they crash they just do not hurt themselves. They hurt others too and it affects society.
Likewise, alcohol should be illegal because people get sad and depressed when family members get killed from any harmful cause of alcohol. Most accidents from alcohol are from drunk driving. It’s very dangerous when people are on the road. When people are driving and drinking you think you are driving straight. But when you hear crash you realize you weren’t driving good you were probably driving all over the place. Then you arehurt but you hurt the other person even more. Then someone feelreally guilty about. You can not face their family or you kill someone else that their family loves them a lot. Alcohol abuse is another harmful thing. It could break up families that are super close to each other. It hurts the one’s they love the most. The alcohol just becomes a hobby and bad harmful effects happen. There are a lot of tears from alcohol harmful effects on society and people.

While alcohol has many harmful effects, some people believe it’s their choice to drink. Some believe it’s an individual’s choice to drink or not. This position is weak because alcohol has harmful effects on those who are not drinking. Thousands die from drunk drivers because of car accidentsNow you see and hear do not drink and drive because it’s so dangerous. Brain starts to become slower every time you drink it. It’s not the best to drive when you are drunk. It is dangerous before you drive drink some water were do not drink at all. When you want to drink alcohol try to stop your self. Have other drinks instead like coke, water, sprite, juice and kitty cocktail. They are great suggestions.
 In conclusion alcohol should be illegal because there are many cons to it. Try to stop drinking alcohol by drinking other soft drinks. Once you do this there will be so many good effects. For example no drunk driver less people getting hurt. No braindamage, better health. Not abusing your family if it’s caused by drinking alcohol, there’s more love and happier families. Not getting sick and throwing up, safer parties. Teen age kids are not going under pressure and drinking alcohol. So if alcohol is illegal all these things will be gone and better place for people. Alcohol should be illegal because it causes many harmful effects on society and very dangerous.

Caged Animals
Look at that cute little penguin. That penguin is stuck behind a glass wall with a little room to swim and walk around. That penguin is in zoo. Animals should be out in the wilderness wither friends and family. They should have an unlimited amount of space to run around and grow. It is inhumane for animals to be kept in cages; they should be let out and in their own natural habitat.  
Animals should not be kept in cages at zoos because they are being held captive in zoo cages away from their friends and family. If you have ever been to a zoo it shows on the animals face that they are sad, uncomfortable, and depressed.Endangered animals in the zoos are not in their natural habitat therefore it is harming them. In some cases they kill themselvesout of sadness. In some cases the zookeepers in the zoos are beating up the animals. In Santiago a zoo there was transferring an elephant to a wild park and as they were transferring it a zookeeper started to wipe the elephant with a metal spear for about two hours. The witnesses have said it’s like he was hitting a homerun. A zoo keeper in San Francisco Paul Hunter says “you have to motivate them and the way you do that is by beating the hell out of them.”
Animals are being hurt. They are getting abused and we aren’t doing anything about it. We just know its happening but we just stand around and do nothing. Our whole life is a cycle.The plants grow to feed the animals, the animals grow and eat so we can fee and hunt the animals for nourishments. A dolphin named Flipper committed suicide by holding her breath in and sinking at the bottom of her tank. Dolphins are not automatic air breathers. Every breathe is a conscious effort, so dolphins can decide whether or not to take their next breathe. That is exactly what Flipper did she took her own life. Flippers trainer found her on the surface of the water and then Flipper sunk to the bottom of her cage. She committed suicide. What if more animals started to committee suicide in zoos, then what? The zoo owners are just going to replace them and bring in new animals of the same species. And if those animals get sad it’s all going to happen again and again. If they do that and all the animals become extinct and they all die then what do we have left? Nothing. No more animals
Some believe zoo`s take good care of their animals this is a weak position because it’s not true. People don’t really know what’s happening when the zoo is closed. People aren’t there when the animals are getting abused, beaten, and whipped, for hours. The people don’t notice that. They don’t see the bruised marks they don’t see nothing. They honestly don’t care. Do they not think that it would be better if the animals were returned to their natural habitat? People really don’t think about other things happiness besides their owns. Well that is how we are all created, but is it really worth these animals getting beat and living in torture just for our happiness when all we can do is google a picture of them. Well we are just selfish in that way. Some people would do anything for their pets like their cats or dogs, but aren’t cats and dogs the same they all are animals. So why is it that we treat cats or dogs differently than monkeys or elephants?
In conclusion, people should stop hurting animals and let them go back into their natural habitat with their friends and family. People don’t respect what animals have done for us in the past. In the past animals were the only thing that was keeping our ancestors alive. Now imagine if there were no animals in this world that our ancestors died of starvation because there were no animal`s then that would cause us to have never been alive. There wouldn’t have been life on earth anymore. Now imagine if you were an animal trapped in a cage alone just you. How would that make you feel?

Should Children Be Allowed To Participate In Beauty Pageants?

Ayah I

                         Should Children Be Allowed To Participate In Beauty Pageants?

Children should never feel bad about themselves,so why make them feel that way? Why expose them to cruelty and harmful things such as beauty pageants. I know some people might think it's not as bad as it looks and that it's just harmless fun, but as you see the look in the children's faces after a loss is just sad for that child. The tears and pain etched on a their faces just by winning or losing a pageant you can make or break a girls confidence, and the latter one is what happens durning that time. There is a strong opinion on this topic and think that this is just not the way a young girl should be brought up. Competing for beauty is very wrong and makes other people feel ugly about themselves if they lost.

Beauty pageants make little girls feel that they need to put make up and wear tight and short clothing. People find this adorable because they see little girls dolled up looking cute, but really in the future these girls can become a horrible idol for other little girls because as she was younger she thought it was okay to dress in tight and short clothing and put so much make up on that you can not even see her natural face. The competition consists of girls from infant to ten year olds. In order for these girls to win they have to wear pounds of make up and short clothing that makes the girls feel uncomfortable,but the parents don't care because they want their child to win. No one really has ever thought on how the children feel about this. These little girls even have to wear heels in bathing suits. Isn't that sad and disrupting to the girls childhood?

Girls at such a young age shouldn't be allowed to participate in beauty pageants. This promotes low self esteem and a problem with worrying about her weight and her appearance. It should not be acceptable for children to stress about these kinds of issues at a young age. Another example is that some children are being forced to compete in these pageants by their families, so they can get the award money. It's not uncommon for children to be forced in doing these competitions.

Some believe children should be in pageants this position is weak because this is destroying a child's childhood. These celebrates who started at a young age all say they regret it because they didn't have a childhood like other girls. They didn't have a chance to go and have fun and eat whatever they wanted. Like these girls in the pageants they have to be careful what they eat or what they do because it can ruin their chances by winning the completion. This is what causes many disorders, like bulimia and anorexia so they can look good and be skinny.

In conclusion, little girls should not be competing in beauty pageants because it will make them feel bad on themselves. Parents need to know that they need to put their children's happiness in front of their own. Most children who do these pageants grow up to be sick. These little girls should not be treated as if they are twenty years old. They are only like five they should be going to Chuckie Cheeses not beauty pageants. Kids need to be able to be normal kids going to school have best friends not going to pageants and having competitors versing against each other. Imagine if you were that little girl forced to be in beauty pageants wearing little tight clothes that are itchy and gives you rashes. How would you feel? Children

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned
        Beauty pageants are destroying little girls' childhoods. Beauty pageants are bad for children. Pageants cause emotional problems. Why should mothers put their daughters in something that will damage their self-esteem? “It is ridiculous. It is disturbing seeing such young children wearing: makeup, fake tans, hair extensions, fake eyelashes, fake teeth, etc. when they are so young and beautiful just the way they are.” Beauty pageants should be banned because they cause emotional trauma and low self-esteem amongst young girls.
        To begin with, children are too young for beauty pageants. Young contestants don’t get to do what normal girls usually do. Little children, most likely, love to play at a park, visit a zoo, or even participate in arts and craft. Young girls wouldn’t rather overdress and put too much makeup. It isn’t fair for mothers to ruin their daughter’s childhood. It's been known beauty pageants are considered a form of child abuse. Even though children should not stress, they stress about trying to win. Some may be even afraid of their mothers because they want their daughters to win. Young girls are too little for stress.
Furthermore, young children in beauty pageants should present themselves better. Appearance shouldn’t matter; their character should. Pageant girls learn to focus on appearance and overdress. Their behavior becomes bad. Some girls would throw tantrums over little things when they don’t go their way. Girls should learn to behave and treat others nicely. I think they would grow up to be great people who focus on important things in life. I also think pageant girls would grow up becoming bad and mean because most hate to lose and hate the contestants who won. When they hate the contestant, they act mean to them. They might focus on looks instead of education. Makeup, fake tans, false teeth, false lashes, and inappropriate clothing  could have a negative impact on these girls' self-image.  Beauty on the inside is much more important than on the outside. Additionally, young girls in the contest develop emotional problems. They may have an eating disorder, like starving themselves to lose weight even though they are way too young. Little children like to eat candy and other sweets. These girls may never think they are pretty enough. Young girls become depressed and look at pictures that may even be photoshopped and wish they looked like them. Also losing the pageant may become tragic to them, and they may have another reason to be depressed.
In contrast, sometimes beauty pageants can start off ok but result into something bad. Winning beauty pageants can earn winners scholarships and money. Also, winners can be role models for others. Categories may be good. Winners may feel good about themselves. But, there are flaws to each of these that support beauty pageants. Winning scholarships is wrong because it is not educational that you have to be the prettiest to earn one. It shouldn’t matter because outside beauty is not worth it, but inside beauty is. Winners can be role models for others, but what is it they're teaching? It may teach them to try to look like them and begin to obsess over appearance. Categories can include questions like helping the world, but the contestants can rehearse to try to win it. Maybe they don’t care about it; they might just want the crown on their head. Winners may feel good about themselves, but there’s going to be only one winner. What about when a contestant loses? She might feel bad about herself and become depressed.
To conclude, beauty pageants are bad for children. Emotional trauma and low self-

esteem amongst young girls are some reasons child pageants should be banned. Little girls' 

childhoods can be destroyed because of beauty pageants.